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Living ATHENA: The Eight Principles for Enlightened Leadership

Martha Mayhood Mertz in Collaboration with Dr. Judith Prince

living athena head

Nearly 25 years ago a comprehensive study of ways WOMEN lead was conducted by the non-profit organization, ATHENA International.  The findings were clear and powerful.  From them, the ATHENA Leadership Model was structured and has become the gold standard for great leaders, and the building blocks for success in today’s global economy.

In Living ATHENA:  The 8 Principles of ATHENA Leadership, Martha Mertz and her team document the impact the ATHENA Leadership Model has had on those seeking to achieve their highest potential.  Meant for leaders of all ages, this book contains personal stories and addresses newly arisen challenges for women in our times, 40 years since controversial conversations began about women’s roles at every professional and social level. 

Contemporary leaders from their 20s into their 80s illustrate and describe the fundamental strengths of these 8 principles.  The final chapter graphically illustrates the power of this model when taught to women in prison.  The people featured in this book are women and girls, but the leadership model has value for all genders.  Those aspiring to achieve their highest potential may find clarity, depth, and personal growth by recognizing and deepening the use of these principles in their lives.

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